My Constellations

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

How To Save the Planet

Human civilization has made serious impact to the world we live. From the first time Homo sapiens exist, about 200k year ago until now, we bequeathed the green carpet of the earth with pollution, acid rain, ozone hole, and the last but not the least is global warming.
I’m not gonna be a member of Green Peace to save the whale from extinction. But since I am the part of this limited biosphere, I try not to exploit Mother Nature with simple actions such as:

  • Turn off the light and TV while you’re sleeping
  • Buy soft drink in bottle package instead of can
  • Turn off water faucet when you lather the dishes
  • And I plan to have less kids, 2 children would be great.

It looks very very.. common and simple. It just like you do nothing. Hey, someday when we got energy crisis, this simple action will be a public policy totally supported by government! Dinosaur won’t give you crude oil forever to meet your needs.

Let’s take one step ahead. Nowadays, information and knowledge is a must. And I am the person who just wanna give my children a better place to live. In term of Saving the Earth, which one is better? You access information through internet or still do conventional way which is buy a book.

  • Buy a book, means lots of tree must be felled. Forest is the yummy target. Without tree with its roots, the land will become infertile. It can lead to landslide, flood, and loss of animal & plant habitat. Beside, how many energy must be provided to turn a piece of wood become a book.
  • Use internet, means attached to electricity. Even though, there is wave technology, still we must turn on the server by electricity. Electricity is the father of inefficiency. So much energy spent to make electricity. Beside, how many energy must be provided to turn a metal and plastic become a computer. You know how hard to recycle plastic.

So which one is the better way? I still use both of them based on my needs with nothing to worry about. But someday, we will be forced to think and to be wise.

Or do you have any alternative idea?



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