My Constellations

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Justification and Justice

A man murdered his pregnant mistress with burglar scenario by sacrificing the neighbor of the mistress. On one night, the ghosts of the mistress and her neighbor come to the man seeking for explanation and justice.

Man : “It wasn't easy. But when the time came, I could pull the trigger. You never know who your neighbors are till there's a crisis. You can learn to push the guilt under the rug and...go on. You have to. Otherwise it overwhelms you.”

Neighbor : “And what about me? What about the next-door neighbor? I had no involvement in this awful affair. Is there no problem about me having died as an innocent bystander?

Man : The innocent are sometimes slain to make way for a grander scheme. You're a collateral damage.

Neighbor : “So was your own child.”

Man : “Sophocles said: To never have been born may be the greatest boon of all.”

Mistress : “Prepare to pay the price. Your actions were clumsy, full of holes. Almost like someone begging to be found out.”

Man : “It would be fitting if I were apprehended and punished. At least there would be some small sign of justice, some small measure of hope for the possibility of meaning.”

End of the story, the police didn’t find any evidence that lead him as a suspect. Because of some luck, the police suspected a drug addict. Unfortunately, the drug addict has killed by one of his own. Case closed. The man go on his life happily ever after with his wife.

What a lucky guy on earth!
Take somebody life to cover adultery is absolutely a huge sin. He must be punished to uphold justice. But he made justification for what he has done. Every question is answered. Every mistake is rationalized. Every stain is bleached.
This is some kind of anomaly. But it possibly happened in our daily life nowadays. People make justification and rationalization to blind the truth and justice for personal gain.
Things prepared to have an impressive justification:
  • Be cool and confident as if you do nothing.
  • You must have lots of life philosophy. This is a powerful strategy to twist people mind. The more difficult the philosophy the more confused it got by people.
  • You must know lots of quote. Make sure the quote from famous people. It is best from the Greek philosopher. It just sounds cool. Beside the quote itself, people would be amazed because of your capability to memorize the quote owner. Certainly a plus to you.
  • Point 2 and 3 can be accessed through internet, book, TV, or movie and don’t forget to practice ;) over and over.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t support justification. I believe people who stand behind justification have already known these tricks. While the good people still have to learn to protect their selves. Well, I hope I don’t do justification here .... :).

Actually, I took the story from a movie. It’s a good movie. I love to hear the accent when they talk. Does anybody know this movie?



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