My Constellations

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Fine Line Between Smart and Deceptive

I heard several times a mother so proud of her sons/daughters about how smart they are. At the same time I was wondering “Is this kind of smart this Mom want and proud of?”

“Every time his brother, his sister, or the family needs some help he will ask for payment first. He’s a kid but he knows how to make money.”

“My daughter asked over our maid to do her art project so she has more time to watch cartoon. I don’t know where she learn to control time”

“My son never asks for additional pocket money. Once he praises his friends then they will treat him a snack.”

If we foster this kind of action since they were a child no wonder, there will be lots of so-called smart people because they:

  • manipulate proposal budget to get personal benefit
  • absence at work with fake doctor’s memo so HRD won’t cut his/her claimable overtime day
  • explain how busy he/she is or pretend to be busy or suddenly disappear out of nowhere when there’s a job to do. Then the boss will assign that job to his/her co-worker

Don’t get me wrong. You free to do all of those actions above. I don’t mind. We’re grown up so we know exactly what to do without pass the consequences. Thing I totally disagree is people called those kind of action as a smart move. You take advantage of the situation. You take something that is not supposed to be your right. That’s not smart that’s deceptive/misleading.

To me, smart is a quality of how well you can give an efficient, effective, and optimum solution in every corner of your life or anybody life with honor. I’m not trying to be a saint here. Sometimes we get trapped and we don’t have any choice but doing misleading/deceptive action. Okay. I get it.
But this action must be taken at the bottom of the solution choice we have. I do hope deceptive thing doesn’t treat as an instinct.

My game buddy once told me that I’m a cold hearted & cold blood lioness. When we play, I don’t do negotiation, I do anything (even tricky thing) to win as long as it doesn’t cheat, and I’ll beat to death my enemy even though they’re look so weak and powerless. Win and get highest score is the point. But as we go back to the real media, facing human environment, everything totally change. Your inner voice will make contribution how to act, speak, or think. There’s something bind you for greater good.

How amazing thing can be twisted because of score of people’s perceptions. There’s a popular quote in my former company (the holding company, actually) and frankly I don’t impress at all.
“There’s a fine line between kind and stupid”, which imply to “There’s a fine line between smart and deceptive”.
I heard about old Chinese quote: “Wise man will look stupid among ordinary people”.
And I have my own quote: ”Being smart is kewl, but being wise is priceless”

Last movie watched: Just Friend
(It’s about a man who falling in love with his best friend. For the first time I laugh watching romantic comedy movie. At most I smile and now I can’t help laughing at 1.00 am. The review said “You will laugh from the start till the end”. That’s true. All cast do their job well. I guess, the leading actor gonna be the next Jim Carrey or Ben Stiller.
Sometimes I’m wondering who play the most important part of the movie. Is it the actor, director, scriptwriter, or casting? To think of I’m the gal who pick/buy DVD based on favorite actor, they’re all conspire to make me laugh :D)



  • Geez, is it bcoz of my lame internet connection or something, but as attractive as it might be of those images, it took enough time for me to make a cup of tea and drink the whole of it waiting for your blog to fully appear my dear fren :P But, aside that, what an inspiring blog, reading your posts encouraging me to do better with my lame rarely updated blog as well ^_^
    Ok, let's see, smart and deceptive eh, there is a direct connection i guess, only smart person could be the deceptive bast*rd in various range of deception, mostly being manipulative and oppportunist in a sneaky way. Stupid or let just say they who don't have enough intelligent won't do it because they could never reach the idea of doing something like that. That's why an IQ without balancing the EQ & SQ will create a real monster or in this country mostly those predators! You could never really know someone to surprise on how manipulative and opportunist one could be, i've experienced that few times here with my working mates, silly how someone who accussed others of being manipulative could really be the master his/herself. To live in this kind of society, when being manipulative and oppotunist are considered smart, one need to struggle to stick to her self-concious regardless the evil web around ^^; Duh...

    By Blogger Novy-chan, at September 15, 2006 12:23 AM  

  • Ups... sorry Nov. My blog gave you a disaster just like waiting for wet paint, right? I'm a visual person. My eyes need food.

    Some smart people is deceptive
    Novy is smart.
    Is Novy deceptive? (I hope this question doesn't make Aristoteles rise from the grave)

    Let's put this way.
    Just because they're smart, do that make they such an opportunist, manipulative, or weasel? Why don't they shifted this quality to something for goodness.
    Madonna said "we're living in a material world" so I guess whoever create quote "there's a fine line between smart and deceptive" is Madonna's fan or could be Madonna's guru :)
    As you said IQ & EQ without SQ posibbly create a monster.

    By Blogger Adee, at September 16, 2006 11:35 AM  

  • Hmmm do i know ur game buddy if not id like to meet him btw i dont mind beeing sneaky IF everybody does i mean its not fun beeing a rabbit in a snakes lair is it :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at September 27, 2006 2:19 PM  

  • Why you wanna meet him if you already have? Or have you go to the cloning clinic recently?

    a rabbit in a snakes lair? 100% I'll do the same thing. Because you have no choice. I'm talking about habbit on the daily basis.

    By Blogger Adee, at September 30, 2006 12:42 PM  

  • hihihi...pengen nyoba test IQ :) kapan2 temenin nyari di gramedia yuuukkkk

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at October 21, 2006 11:26 AM  

  • Dewiq,
    Mendingan ikut test IQ di Internet karena otomatis sudah ada scoringnya. Atau kalo mau yang lebih valid lagi, ikut test di lembaga yang menawarkan jasa test IQ. Soalnya buku-buku di book shop sifatnya pasif yaitu hanya memberikan support saja. Ngga asik kalo nggak ada scoringnya.
    Tapi kao mau ditemenin beli buku...hayukkkkkk

    By Blogger Adee, at October 22, 2006 11:12 PM  

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